Data Tables =========== From the relationship between data tables we analyzed above, we derive three data tables: ``users``, ``projects``, ``files``. The ``User`` entity set is mapped to ``users`` table. Likewise, ``File`` is mapped to ``files`` table. .. figure:: images/student.svg :figwidth: 100% An example database row for student. [1]_ .. figure:: images/file.svg :figwidth: 100% The structure of database table ``file``. [1]_ However, most other entities are stored within a single table ``projects``, forming a typical tree-like structure of document-oriented database. For example, two entities ``Artifact``\s storing revisions for report and slides are included within a table row. ``Task``\s are stored in an array in the project. The many-to-many relation between ``User`` and ``Project`` is realized using foreign keys with secondary index in this table as well: - Each row in ``projects`` has a ``supervisors`` and a ``students`` fields. We model both of these fields as lists, since there can be occasions where two or more supervisors co-supervise a project. - A secondary index named ``members`` was created for these fields for the ease of querying projects a certain user participates in. .. figure:: images/project.svg :figwidth: 100% The structure of database table ``projects``. [1]_ Within each task is a discussion thread with a forest structure of ``Comment`` entities. There are several root comments within the discussions. Each comment can contain some child comments. .. figure:: images/discussion.svg :figwidth: 100% The forest structure of ``discussion`` field. [1]_ .. [1] The JSON structure is visualized by PlantUML. Source text used can be found at